Transcriptional dynamics of murine motor neuron maturation in vivo and in vitro | Nature Communications
A tonically active master neuron modulates mutually exclusive motor states at two timescales | Science Advances
FUS-ALS hiPSC-derived astrocytes impair human motor units through both gain-of-toxicity and loss-of-support mechanisms | Molecular Neurodegeneration | Full Text
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A transcriptomic taxonomy of mouse brain-wide spinal projecting neurons | Nature
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Transcriptional dynamics of murine motor neuron maturation in vivo and in vitro | Nature Communications
A tonically active master neuron modulates mutually exclusive motor states at two timescales | Science Advances
FUS-ALS hiPSC-derived astrocytes impair human motor units through both gain-of-toxicity and loss-of-support mechanisms | Molecular Neurodegeneration | Full Text
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Frontiers | NSC-34 Motor Neuron-Like Cells Are Unsuitable as Experimental Model for Glutamate-Mediated Excitotoxicity
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